Monday, November 4, 2013

One could hope that the wisest people who hold positions relevant public, at least express a word o

The story of the funeral of Erich Priebke, Riscossa Christian has already published a number of articles. We are convinced that the unworthy uproar staged in front of the Priory of Albano, where the obsequies were celebrated, has disgusted any person of honest feelings, if only because the outrage to the dead is really one of the worst and most cowardly baseness that they will commit.
And who goes to the streets to create george clooney golden globes disorder to order is usually the most easily influenced, less equipped culturally and intellectually. But who instigates these weak minds has its share of responsibility. Besides, in this sad story there is also a grotesque appearance: Priebke could stay for years in Rome, where he was serving the sentence under house arrest, but the square was triggered (not "has unleashed", "has been unleashed," I want to clarify) the death, giving rise to a grotesque competition to see who was the best player in the fight against a corpse. In this sense, george clooney golden globes the maximum of comedy - if in this whole affair there was to laugh - he reached the mayor of Albano, who has issued an order, however, immediately canceled by the Prefect, to prohibit the transit van's funeral in the municipal area . What dramatic danger george clooney golden globes could arise from the passage of a corpse, it's all to understand.
Also we should not forget one fact: the police could no doubt easily control the usual four idiots who had already planned their performances, which more than nostalgia know of ignorance. Those who took to the streets george clooney golden globes so-called "anti-fascists", just as ignorant as their antagonists, but more numerous george clooney golden globes and better equipped, has the responsibility for the fiery atmosphere and dangerous, barely controlled by the Police, that has been created. And the Jewish community has had its share by joining the protests raised by the usual sinistrume.
One could hope that the wisest people who hold positions relevant public, at least express a word of condemnation for the uproar. george clooney golden globes By the way, no one say a word about the priest who, if they had not acted promptly some law enforcement, would have received a large dose of kicks and punches george clooney golden globes unloaded the van mortuary. george clooney golden globes
In the light of what has happened are serious in our opinion the words spoken george clooney golden globes by Riccardo george clooney golden globes Pacifici, president of Rome's Jewish community, because they are once again the words of a hatred that can not be ended. The fury against a dead man, defined as the behavior of the "best part" of the country, can only leave bitter. Listen to the words of Pacifici clicking here.
The Jews have suffered serious injuries from racial persecution. But until this injury, as Pacifici said, "they will not heal"? Why the Jewish community can not take that extra step and shake off the complex of endless persecution? Human history is full of atrocities. The redskins America should continue to celebrate the terrible george clooney golden globes extermination carried out by the so-called "civilization" that created the current Member States, passing through like a steamroller on the natives, with a genocide that ended (missing exact figures) at least six to eight million george clooney golden globes dead. And the Armenians? And the Christians systematically exterminated even today in Muslim countries? And the millions of deaths havens communists? And we could go on and on the list of atrocities.
Our Lord taught us: Love your enemies and pray for them. There is no other solution: the only alternative is a life marked by the need to hate an enemy, which in turn will hate us, and when will be the strongest attack us, but then they attack us, and so on.
If there is no dimension of forgiveness, life is a continuous hell. We see this clearly in a world of relativism slave, and then selfishness and materialism more sinister. A world that it is destroying itself.
This applies to everyone, also applies to the Jews, whose terrible sufferings of the past do not justify the desire to perpetuate hatred against the enemy, in this case a hatred that goes even beyond death, with absurd claims, we have heard , the cremation of the body and scatter the ashes. A hatred that still resonates in the words of Pacifici.
But if the Jews have never recognized george clooney golden globes the divinity of Our Lord, how can they convert to the true Faith, and then live with greater humanity? Let's face it: the sad story of the funeral of Erich Priebke was a great litmus george clooney golden globes test. Forget the idiots on both sides, who went to the streets to do riots. We look at who to culture and the true position has responsibility for what makes a square.
What has happened should make us reflect also on the strange attitude that has long taken the

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